14. Feb. 2017 WooHoo! Great news! You can now order the list of your tasks by simply dragging them to the desired position! Should make understanding job flow much easier.


Dive in, the water's fine!

Watch the Playlist


Q: What kind of tasks can I automatically assign to myself or other users in Auto Task Templates for Highrise? A: Send a proposal, call a prospect, research the customer, research the competition, set up auto-invoicing, build phase three, offer an upgrade/add-on, check an installation, install a package, create a document, create a brand strategy, setup a new user, get a second opinion, test the setup, setup the test, create a backup plan, review the account, send performance data, set up a meeting, submit a report, Gather data, engage a consultant/contractor, send a gift, ask for the deal, raise the price, offer a discount, build a component, get approval, check your progress, do step 25, feed the animals, ask for a referral, invoice the customer, schedule training, do a webinar, visit the customer, send a thank you note, do a quarterly review, submit form 21b, enlist a focus group, deliver the deliverables, assemble the team, order pizza, confirm agreement, disperse funds, create invoice, etc.

Q: How does Auto Task Templates for Highrise Work? A: Auto Task Templates for Highrise works by checking for new deals and deals that have changed their status (pending, won, lost) since the last status change. It then assigns tasks based on the new status and the deal category, according to your auto task templates. It can also assign tasks when an Autotask.me task is completed in Highrise.

Q: How long do I need to wait for my tasks to appear in Highrise? A: Auto Task Templates for Highrise runs every 10 minutes and checks for deals that have been created or had their status change since the last deal was found.

Q: What can I expect the first time I use Auto Task Templates for Highrise? A: Auto Task Templates for Highrise runs every 10 minutes and on the first run checks for deals that have been created or had their status change in the last 15 minutes.

Q: How do I set up an Auto Task? A: [see the video playlist above] First, set up a deal category that will trigger a task being created. We recommend it be based on specific product or service offering. You can optionally set up a task category to keep track of your tasks. Next, go to Manage Auto Tasks and click "Add Task". Now select the state of the deal that will trigger the task being assigned to a user. Next select the Deal Category that you want to trigger the task assignment. Now add task instructions. Select a task category, if you wish. Now enter the number of days from the deal creation or status change until the task is due. Now select one of your users - select the 'Deal Owner' if your want the person who created the deal to be assigned that task. Finally, select whether you want everyone to see the task or just the deal owner.

Q: How do I set up Autotask.me to send emails? A: To send emails you need to add a SMPT server in your account settings on the home page at http://www.Autotask.me/account.php. Just click the "Show SMTP & Twilio info" and enter your SMTP info per your SMTP provider. Gmail can send 25 messages a day using the following settings: SMPT Host: smtp.gmail.com ; SMTP Port: 465 ; SMTP Username: your_gmail@gmail.com ; SMTP Password: [Your Gmail Password]. Now see the next FAQ to proceed.

Q: How do I auto send emails to customers or prospects? A: [for settings see the last FAQ] This newer feature is fairly easy to set up and we added a video in the tutorial playlist but I'll explain it briefly here. First, create a task category call 'at_mail'. Then create a auto task using 'at_email' as the task category and create the message you want sent in the 'Task Instructions' area using '%%' to separate the subject from the body like "This is the subject%%This is the body." You will see the email as a task until it is sent (at it's due date) and then it will show up as a sent email and the task will show as completed.

AutoTask.me now formats line breaks as html breaks so no need to include <BR> tags.

See tutorial HERE

Q: How do I customize the emails I send to customers or prospects? A: It's easy to include data from your CRM into your at_email tasks. Just use the curly brackets with the name of the node from the deal's xml. Some quick and easy examples for contact deals are {first-name}, {last-name} and {party/name} for company deals.
The syntax is based on xpath (see more here) with // set by default at the beginning of all queries.
See tutorial HERE

Q: How do I set up Autotask.me to send SMS text messages? A: To send SMS text messages you need to add a Twilio CID and Auth Token in your account settings on the home page at http://www.Autotask.me/account.php. You can get those for free to test at Twilio.com. Just click the "Show SMTP & Twilio info" and enter your Twilio info. Now see the next FAQ to proceed.

Q: How do I auto send SMS text messages to customers or prospects? A: [for settings see the last FAQ] This newer feature is also fairly easy to set up and we also added a video in the tutorial playlist and I'll explain it briefly here. First, create a task category call 'at_sms'. Then create a auto task using 'at_sms' as the task category and create the message you want sent in the 'Task Instructions' area. It needs to be less than 160 characters and the task will show as completed when it's sent on it's due date.